Interview with Eddie Kim

My first contact with Eddie was at the same YC Meetup where I met Garry, but that wasn't my first time reaching out. Months prior, I had sent him an email trying to get him on the newsletter but got no response. Determined to get him to do the newsletter, I walked up to him and said something like "hey, nice to meet you. I actually flew down in part to meet you. I'm with AHN... we're doing this Asian founder newsletter and I'd love to have you on". He was really nice and agreed to do it and gave me his email. I was initially going to go home and fire off the email, but then I realized that it could potentially get lost with all his other mail and my trip would've been partially in vain, so I pulled out my phone, typed up the email, went back to him with my phone in hand and said "Hey, is the email address I put in correct? Yea? Cool, let me push send now... and sent!". I figured if he watched me send the email, he would be more likely to respond. Next level would be getting him to push send haha. Eddie if you're reading this I'm sorry for using this tactic, but I greatly appreciate you chatting and being really nice about everything!!! Here is the link to the article:

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