Interview with Siqi Chen

When speaking to Kevin Chou, he mentioned that he had a friend who was a very talented salesperson. Curious, I asked, "who?". The friend was Siqi Chen. After looking him up, I realized that not only is he cracked at marketing, he is pretty much the go-to product guy, having led product at companies such as Zynga and Postmates. In fact he had a brief stint as CEO of SandboxVR. Anyways, his current company, Runway is way cooler (I'm biased because it's directly relevant to me). Siqi is a really deep thinker and I feel like I learned a lot from my conversation with him. His emphasis on agency has really shaped the way I approach things in my life. I can't quite say how I was able to grok this, but when I set my sights on something--I am 100% sure that I can accomplish/achieve it if I'm willing to put in the work. I don't really believe in "I can't do it" or "impossible" anymore. You can read my conversation with him below:

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